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UF, Salzburg, and Beyond

When I began my undergraduate studies at the University of Florida, I did not set out with the goal of attending a study abroad program or taking an international course. I was attracted to the idea of multicultural studies, and I took classes that touched on global perspectives, but my understanding of study abroad was only through vague ideas of Europe and stressed international students. A trip to the UF study abroad fair, though, told me about a program in Salzburg, Austria - one that focused on music. This seemingly innocuous, unplanned walk around an event would affect the rest of my time at UF and my life beyond.


The UF Salzburg program was a wonderful opportunity for me to learn more about the history of my instrument and enhance my own performance skills. While taking private violin lessons and classes on music history, I was able to travel to several historic locations and reflect on how I wanted music to be part of my life and career. My experiences also taught me about myself and the power of connection. I met incredibly interesting people in the hostel that we stayed in, I learned about the amazing things that my peers on the study abroad have already accomplished, and I began to appreciate everything that had happened in my life to allow me to come so far in my education. I had never considered the option of pushing aside one of my academic pursuits for the sake of the other, always choosing to incorporate both of them into my studies. I had assumed that I would have to choose between one of them in college - Salzburg gave me time to reconsider. 


Salzburg inspired me to commit to pursuing dual degrees in psychology and music, something that I never would have thought possible for myself before coming to UF. Above all else, this is something that I will always be grateful for. Global experiences challenged my (admittedly narrow) view on my career and made me realize the possibilities of my work, provided that I sought and used the opportunities available. My attending the Salzburg program was almost a mistake, not something that I had actively sought out. But the opportunity was there, and I was lucky enough to find it. Who knows what I could find with a watchful eye?


My study abroad experience made me find and push past my mental limits. I began to appreciate how much I could really achieve with my instrument and my studies together. In practicing my instrument, I had learned discipline and self-reflection necessary to write critical analyses and reports for music history. In dedicating time to study music history, I learned about different styles of performance that ultimately informed how I approached new pieces. I also learned the importance of cultivating skills that can be applied across fields, namely strong communication skills and effective digital and time organization. I could use all of my experiences, including those outside of music in STEM and research, to reach my professional goals of becoming a performer and arts administrator for orchestral organizations.


After Salzburg, I took advantage of international opportunities on campus through courses and cultural events, reached out to professors and professional contacts, and created my own research opportunities. I became part of the University Scholars Program to conduct an independent research project on the intersection of musical expectations and emotion. I became part of the School of Music Ambassadors, sought employment on and off of campus, and continued building professional connections through UF. I've been able to take amazing volunteering and shadowing opportunities - such as with the Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra - that have continue to shape my future. I have had the pleasure of connecting with influential and creative individuals who provided me with new opportunities for advancement, and I will forever be grateful for my time at this university because of that.

Irreversibly changed by my experiences, I am driven to pursue graduate degrees in statistics and music performance to further develop my skills and contribute to my professional career. The drive that my studies have given me will continue to shape my life through a global context, both literally and metaphorically. I look forward to where my experiences will take me and what I might learn next.

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