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Global Experience

Through international coursework taken at the University of Florida, heritage language learning, and a study abroad program in Salzburg, Austria, I have had irreplaceable learning opportunities. These have been vital to shaping my character and developing skills outside of the classroom.

International Coursework


Heritage Language

I am a heritage speaker of Mandarin Chinese, taught by my Taiwanese mother and Chinese father. My Chinese uses a mix of words standard to Taiwan and Beijing, showcasing my parents' history and their influence on my language. In an effort to improve my fluency and connect to my culture in a more meaningful way, I have reached out to various resources and organizations during my time at UF. 

During my first year to university, I participated in the Chinese American Student Association's semesterly events, both as a performer and an audience member. CASA had launched a fashion show to highlight the beauty of traditional Chinese clothing and, though I never would have dreamed of walking in a fashion show before, I decided to volunteer. My walk was far from a fashion model's strut, but I felt truly beautiful in my embroidered qipao and ji (hairpin). I was able to converse with some of my Chinese American peers in Chinese and learn more about their stories and relationships with clothing. 

The next year, I participated in UF's Chinese Language Learning Initiative (ChiLLI). We were grouped together during meetings to learn more about proper grammar use and more vocabulary, something that I sorely needed. This inspired me to start using resoures online, such as BoostChinese and italki, to start daily practice with my parents and try to advance my language. These activities are necessary to me, something that helps me to connect with my relatives overseas and my family's culture and history. I intend to continue these activities, hopefully leading to more opportunities to built community in my future life and career.

Study Abroad - Salzburg, Austria

For six weeks, I studied in Salzburg, Austria as part of the UF School of Music study abroad program. A whirlwind of travel, private lessons, and great food, the experience was one that inspired me to pursue dual degrees and pursue a graduate education. 

I studied violin performance under Johannes Krall, a distinguished violinist of the Mozarteum Orchestra, composer, and arranger. His teaching style was markedly different from the lessons that I had had in the United States, something that highlighted the importance of differing perspectives in learning music performance. His teaching taught me how to refine my practice methods, how to better learn a piece and analyze a score, and how to take advantage of a walkable city!


As part of the program, I also learned about the history of opera and its many variants, even having the opportunity to attend a performance at the historic Vienna State Opera. This gave me the unique opportunity to study opera's origins in one of its historical hubs. This, combined with my studies in violin performance, gave me a more holistic understanding of the music that I would perform. 

This program also gave me the chance to make some fast friends, people that I would trust to support me in a duet and make sure I didn't miss a late night bus back to the hostel. The people that I traveled with made the experience all the more enriching, drawing me into adventures that I never would have imagined for myself otherwise. Have you ever spent a weekend traveling by bus and train to spend less than 24 hours in Prague? It was the best weekend I've ever had!

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